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Voucher Drop 2.0 – Just Voucher Is Not Enough!

With a strategic weapon like Voucher Drop, businesses need to invest more in arousing emotions and stimulating the desire to buy in order to win the hearts of customers.
Thanh Tran
27 August 2024
PangoCDP • Nền tảng thống nhất dữ liệu khách hàng

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A series of vouchers were sent out, some customers were interested and redeemed, while the rest were ”soundless”. If the business is like a guy who is trying to win the heart of a girl with attractive vouchers, it seems that this effort is one-sided. ‘It is time for the ”unrequited love” of the business to elicit a response from customers with the Voucher Drop 2.0 campaign on The Master Channel supported by the customer data platform – PangoCDP.

PangoCDP • Build and Warm the Master Channel

First of all, we need to clarify the purpose of the voucher drop campaign. ‘Team sales need to ”run” at the end of the quarter, businesses want to increase revenue in the festive seasons?’ ‘If you stop at ”I give you one (or more) discount codes (you don’t need it, you’re eager or I don’t care) for you to buy for me”, the relationship between business and customers is unlikely to go further.’

With a strategic tool like Voucher Drop, businesses need to invest more in arousing emotions, stimulating purchasing desires to win the hearts of customers.

  • According to Zig Ziglar, “People don’t buy logically. They buy emotionally.”
  • Psychology Today notes: “No logic or reasoning can override powerful emotions because a mind influenced by emotion will always find a reason to believe.”

Voucher Drop 2.0 is an upgraded version of the Voucher Drop campaign on The Master Channel  initiated by PangoCDP.

PangoCDP • Build and Warm the Master Channel

With Voucher Drop 2.0, retail businesses can not only leverage existing data but also attract new customers and enrich their data by creating comprehensive experiences for customers based on specific groups and contexts:

  • Customers are at the store (Offline)
  • Register to get online vouchers and use them at stores (Offline)
  • Reregister to get vouchers and use them online

The definition of “Voucher” in this upgraded version has also been expanded to include brand-specific discount codes, as well as physical or digital gifts (from other brands if brands collaborate). This allows brands to flexibly select the most appropriate “gift” for the campaign context and objectives.

PangoCDP • Build and Warm the Master Channel

Attracting Customers At Stores (Offline)

When customers enter the store, they certainly have a specific intention: to check out products, see attractive displays, or find out about any promotions. This is a great opportunity for brands to collect information if there are suitable touchpoints.

Brands understand that they need to collect customer information (leads) to nurture, care for and upsell/cross-sell in the future. However, if only hanging price lists or setting up standees for deep discounts/shock reductions (20%, 50%, etc.), brands may only capture a part of the customers who buy and accept to provide information at checkout. This method is becoming increasingly “boring” for customers, who recognize it as just a bait.

Instead of merely issuing vouchers to stimulate purchases, with the support of PangoCDP, campaigns on The Master Channel will help businesses acquire data naturally and emotionally.

PangoCDP • Build and Warm the Master Channel
  • Sales staff invite customers to participate in mini -games to hunt for discount vouchers: Instead of hanging fixed promotions at product groups, brands can deploy game activities with lucky gifts according to game results.

Explore game options for Gamifying The Master Channel at:

  • Scan QR to view the product demo and get a discount code for that product: With some limited packaging products that are limited to display for customers to experience, brands can set a QR code for customers to scan to watch the demo video (authentic content) and customers can also be lucky to receive a reward (gift or discount voucher for that specific product). This helps brands to track and interact to drive purchase intent in customers who have not yet bought.
  • Checkout staff invites customers to scan the QR code and fill out the Pango Form to receive a discount voucher when paying: Instead of automatically applying the discount to bills like “You get 10% off for bills over 1 million,” change the way to “Scan the QR code to receive a discount code ranging from 5 to 20%” – the customer experience will be better and make them feel lucky instead of every customer gets 10% off and brands also obtain accurate customer information.
PangoCDP • Build and Warm the Master Channel

Expanding Customers from The Existing Customer Base

For customers who have used the business’s products and services regularly, they are often willing to introduce them to their friends and relatives. Therefore, brands can expand their customer base through the Friend-get-Friend form. For example, referring 5 customers to register for information could earn a 15% discount voucher.

Pango Gift Voucher Wallet for Customers

All brand gifts for customers will be saved in the gift wallet to make it easy for customers to use. The important thing is that there is no need to install an app, this gift wallet works like a mini app located right on the main platforms like Zalo/MoMo…!

PangoCDP supports automatic scenarios to send messages to remind customers to use, which helps brands increase redemption rates and significantly increase sales from this source. Customers can also give their gifts to friends right on the app.

PangoCDP • Build and Warm the Master Channel

In addition to gift management feature, Pango Gift also plays an important role to effectively interact with customers through brand activities such as:

  • Survey program
  • Mini Games
  • Utilities
  • Online shopping
  • Find the nearest shop and more.

All of these will be showcased in the discovery section, and brands can actively customize them in real-time according to actual needs.

Distributing vouchers should not be a one-way story from the business. Just as in courting a girlfriend, businesses need to understand the needs and desires to create rich experiences that evoke emotions and drive purchases. While customers become more discerning about sharing personal data, a business that focuses on experience, gives customers more than they expect and caters to their emotions will more easily win over customers.

Not only data exploitation strategies, but also detailed marketing campaign implementations for businesses based on data orientation and much new knowledge around The Master Channel will be presented in detail in The Main Interaction Channel – The Master Channel, Volume 1.

Six chapters of the book will guide readers through the impressive development journey of interaction methods between businesses and customers.

From the most primitive forms to multi-dimensional interactions in the smartphone era, the book will present successful stories along with leading global brands in boosting revenue by enhancing customer experience, explaining the success of The Master Channel concept when applied at two leading Vietnamese companies, Nutifood and CellphoneS.

The book is now available at Fahasa, Phuong Nam, Hai An, Ca Chep bookstores, and online at 24h bookshops and e-commerce platforms like Tiki, Shopee, and TikTok Shop. You can also quickly order the book here:

Thanh Tran

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