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[Saint-Gobain Vietnam x PangoCDP] What an exciting project Go-live!

We are proud to accompany Saint - Gobain Vietnam in implementing the PangoCDP customer data platform, aiming to achieve sustainable growth and enhance practical value for the business.
11 April 2024
PangoCDP • Nền tảng thống nhất dữ liệu khách hàng

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We are proud to accompany Saint-Gobain Vietnam in implementing the PangoCDP customer data platform, aiming to achieve sustainable growth and enhance practical value for the business.

PangoCDP team had a meeting with the CEO, leadership team and project team of Saint-Gobain Vietnam on the morning of March 30, 2023 in a cheerful and enthusiastic atmosphere. 

During the more than 4-hour discussion and continuous debates, the go-live session was led with great excitement. Here are some highlights from the meeting: 

  • Excitement looking back at Phase 1 of the project and the results brought by PangoCDP:

1. Connecting and integrating data points to create a 360-degree profile for contractors and agents.

2. Continuously streaming the integrated data from PangoCDP to Power BI in real-time, providing dashboards for businesses and marketing purposes.

3. Applying Segmentation, Automation (via SMS, ZNS, App Push) and Campaign Dashboard for the “Lắc Lộc Vàng” campaign at the end of 2022.

4. Engaging discussions and providing suggestions and proposals for improvement.

  • Excitement in experiencing The Master Channel through Zalo and Mini App channels.
  • Excitement and lively discussions about Phase 2 of the project, which will focus on building advanced data analytics and predictive modeling (ML/LA) to serve the business.  
PangoCDP • Build and Warm the Master Channel
Representative of Saint-Gobain Vietnam and PangoCDP

We are proud to accompany Saint-Gobain Vietnam in implementing the PangoCDP customer data platform towards the goal of sustainable growth and enhancing practical value for businesses.

Starting in 2016 with the Online to Offline (O2O) concept, the platform measures the impact of online advertising on offline store sales volume. Through many comprehensive upgraded versions, PangoCDP provides a series of solutions to help directly increase sales.

Believing that the more you invest in interacting with customers, the more sales will grow, PangoCDP initiated the concept of “The Master Channel” – helping businesses connect with customers as seamlessly as connecting family and friends.

By combining the customer data platform (CDP) with The Master Channel, PangoCDP brings interactive scenarios that are easy to apply in marketing, sales, and customer care campaigns,  thereby assisting FMCG and retail giants such as Nutifood, AB Inbev, CellphoneS, Mykingdom, TBS Retail, Couple TX, Yody,… in experiencing explosive revenue growth.

If you are interested in The Master Channel concept and PangoCDP with the purpose of achieving breakthrough revenue results, please contact us at:


Find out how our clients achieved success and improved their marketing results. Learn about the implementations of companies in various industries and what solutions you can use in your own.

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